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Made in Germany



SCHLEGEL offers high-quality enclosures made of stainless steel and plastic. Our enclosures offer plenty of space inside and best protection against external influences. SCHLEGEL enclosures have a degree of protection from IP65 to IP69K.

Our new enclosure series proboxx, which has been awarded with several design prizes, convinces as a miracle of flexibiltiy. The assembled enclosures are available for four different systems: conventional version, IO-Link, AS-Interface and wireless. All wired systems are equipped with a M12 interface.

The proboxx is designed for up to 4 pushbuttons and switches and is also supplied as an emtpy enclosure.

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Large variety of materials, suitable for every application

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Enclosures available for cut-out dimensions 16.2 mm, 22.3 mm, 30.5 mm, 23 x 23 mm, 24 x 24 mm or 26 x 26 mm

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For up to 6 mounting positions

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Degree of protection from IP65 to IP69K, depending on the enclosure series

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Depending on the series, various types of connections are possible: cable feed-through, M12, bus system, wireless

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Available as empty or equipped enclosure

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Various sizes: from compact to robust

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Insulated plastic enclosures, emergency-stop enclosures, emergency-stop enclosures for AS-Interface, stainless steel enclosures


Industrial enclosures are meant to protect their contents from external influences. An industrial enclosure is used in the industrial sector where the enclosure has to withstand special conditions. This can be for example extreme temperatures, special weather conditions, or strong physical and chemical exposures.

Enclosures can be differentiated by their type of material, their size and the application. Most of the enclosures in the industrial sector are made of plastic or metal (stainless steel, aluminum). Their size ranges from enclosures for small controls to consoles or switching cabinets.

Industrial enclosures are used in multiple ambient conditions. Those are for example dust-free cleanrooms or production halls where goods may be manufactured in especially rough and harsh environments. Here, industrial enclosures fufil the roles of simple controls, small junction boxes or big switching cabinets.

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