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We are always looking for motivated people who can help to advance the company with their commitment and skills..

With us you can achieve a lot and develop your potential in a family environment of streamlined hierarchies in an economically strong region where life is very good.

With our innovative products of global demand we can offer secure and sustainable jobs.

We value a good working atmosphere in which the employees feel comfortable and can call on their capabilities. The many jubilees show that we are successful: Many colleagues have been working at SCHLEGEL for 25, 30 or 40 years.

Whether training, lateral entry or a new start: You are welcome! We offer you secure jobs with prospects.


Advantages for SCHLEGEL employees

Work-life balance

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Flexible working hours

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Part-time employment

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Working from home upon agreement

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Time off for overtime hours

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Special leave for family reasons

Financial advantages

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Performance-based salary

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Holiday and Christmas bonuses

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Discounts for employees

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Bike leasing

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Capital-forming benefits

Special social benefits

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Free supplementary company health insurance

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Company pension scheme

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Travel allowances


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Events for employees such as cycling and hiking tours, summer and Christmas parties

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Good working atmosphere

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Mutual cooperation and support of employees

Health is the most important thing!

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Company doctor

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"Join in – stay fit": Company health management (BGM)

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Sports and health courses


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Continuous information for employees via the SCHLEGEL employee app

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SCHLEGEL employee brochure "WIR"

Lifelong learning

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Education and training opportunities

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Cooperation partner of the SRH Fernhochschule in Riedlingen (college for field of distance learning)


We want our employees to stay healthy. That's why SCHLEGEL has a comprehensive company health management system: According to the motto "Join in - stay fit" you can choose from various offers.

  • Free courses are held throughout the year in cooperation with various partners. These include, for example, cooking courses, back exercises, flexi-bar and Pilates courses or a running training..
  • We cooperate with two fitness centres in the region. Under professional guidance our employees can train optimally and thus keep fit.
  • Once a year we have many experts in the company to support the "SCHLEGEL Health Day".
  • Whether it be advice for a healthy back or body fat measurement: We also invite health professionals to our company for special events from time to time.

Free company health insurance
A company health insurance supplements the BGM. 
  • This private supplementary insurance is taken out for all employees who have worked at SCHLEGEL for longer than 2 years.
  • SCHLEGEL employees receive this company health insurance without a health check and free of charge. The company pays the premiums for this company health insurance. 
  • •Whether it be glasses, dentures, naturopathic treatments or preventive programme: The company health insurance supplements the services of the statutory health insurances.

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