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They start their professional career at SCHLEGEL

4 trainees and students were taken on after their training

Martin Bez studied mechanical engineering, Alexander Dell completed an apprenticeship as an industrial clerk, Vanessa Dollinger became a toolmaker and Jamie Käppeler is an electronics technician. What do they all have in common? They were trained at SCHLEGEL and all four have decided to stay with the company.

Link between departments 
Martin Bez completed his studies at the Cooperative State University (DHBW) in Horb with an average grade of 1.6. In future, he will work as a link between R&D, electrical engineering, quality assurance and plastics production. His tasks range from analysing material properties to improving manufacturing processes. He will also be responsible for preparing material confirmations.

Police? Pathologist?
Alexander Dell could have imagined many professions. Criminal police officer was at the top of the list, followed by pathologist. Now it has become a little less exotic: The 21-year-old has successfully completed his training as an industrial clerk. 
He is now working in sales until 1st October. Then he will be studying industrial engineering at the DHBW in Friedrichshafen. He will be working for us for half of the time and studying at the DHBW for the other half. 

Complex tasks 
He came to us as a trainee, became an apprentice and is now staying with us as an electronics technician: Jamie Käppeler successfully completed his training as an electronics technician for industrial engineering at the end of February. 

Now that he has passed his exams, his workplace is in the automation department. One of his tasks is to build complex switching cabinets for the machines and robots. He is also responsible for the maintenance of the machines. For him, everything is just right at SCHLEGEL: “Everything is great”. 

Vanessa Dollinger has successfully completed her apprenticeship as a toolmaker. She is also staying with the company. “Alone among men”, she will work in toolmaking in the future. 
Before her apprenticeship, she did various internships to sound out career fields. Then it was clear: she wanted to do something manual. The apprenticeship at SCHLEGEL was the right decision, she says. She learnt a lot in a great environment. She enjoys the tasks. Furthermore, she honours the fact that SCHLEGEL requires and manufactures tools as individual items .
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