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Suitable for hygienic applications

New e-stop and membrane pushbuttons of the SHORTRON connect series

Georg SCHLEGEL GmbH & Co. KG is expanding its SHORTRON connect series with an emergency-stop and membrane pushbuttons, which can be used in hygienically sensitive areas. As in every "connect" sub-series, the new pushbutton and e-stop are equipped with an M12 connector. 

The e-stop FRVKPOOI_C112 and the pushbutton SVAFTLI_C005 are specially designed for hygienic applications. There are no corners, edges or gaps, where dirt or bacteria can accumulate and contaminate the product. Because of the high IP rate IP69K and quality materials used (stainless steel), the switches can be cleaned, and stay sterile and hygienic. 

The emergency-stop with the yellow rubber shroud for hygienic applications comes with 2NC and 1NO contacts, the M12 connector has 5 poles and is A-coded. The rated operating voltage is 35V AC/DC and the rated operating current is 2A AC/DC.

The illuminated membrane pushbutton with a stainless steel front ring comes with a NO contact and a 4-pole A-coded M12 connector. If required, Schlegel offers also a labelling option with symbol or text. The pushbutton has a lifetime of 1 million switching cycles.

For special applications, the pushbutton (SVAFTPLI_C005) is also available with FDA approval including a blue sealing, which is typically used in hygienic areas. The rated operating voltage is 35V AC/DC and rated operating current is at 4A AC or 2A DC. In addition, both the pushbutton and the emergency-stop are being DGUV approved. 

All our "connect" sub-series have an integrated M12 connector which bases on the quick and easy plug&play principle. This saves time and costs, as no professionals are required for installation.
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