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210 years of knowledge and experience

SCHLEGEL employees honored

In the past year 2024, 14 employees of Georg Schlegel celebrated a milestone anniversary with the company. They were honored  at the company's end-of-year celebration.

The total of all 14 work anniversaries in the past year amounted to 210 years. “That's 210 years of experience, knowledge and commitment to our company,” emphasized Managing Director Wolfgang Weber.

The honorees of the year 2024
  • 10 years: Timo Aigner, Michaela Bek, Ines Beyer, Gerhard Blank, Swetlana Kern, Lisbeth Leonhardt, Andrea Luise Reiner, Alena Schirmer, Oksana Wuchrer 
  • 20 years: Kimtit Schäffer, Christopher Sommer, Valentina Zimmerling 
  • 30 years: Alfred Butscher, Erna Suchan
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